Disguise Utility Boxes. Unfortunately utility boxes are often placed in the most inconvenient locations, like the front yard! In these situations, a small corner fence accompanied by some pretty landscaping can be all you need to camouflage the eyesore. Depending on the size and shape of the utility box, an obelisk trellis can cover it nicely. For Commercial – Hedges are a great option to hide either electrical outlets, plumbing, or irrigation systems that surround your property. When hiding electrical equipment, be sure to leave about 12 feet of space in front of electrical outlets for safety. Spruce it Up
Landscaping Solution Projects & Images in Virginia Front
Hide Utility Boxes in Your Yard: 5 Ideas. While air conditioners, electricity and cable TV add to your quality of life, the utility boxes they require can defy your landscaping efforts. Consider these suggestions to disguise these unsightly boxes in style. Screen It. Put a trellis in front of the utility box or air conditioner, and train.

Hide utility boxes in front yard. 7 Ways to Hide the Ugly Things Your House Can't Do Without Call them necessary evils: the utility boxes, septic tanks, and random receptacles that houses require for functional reasons. That doesn. Today, I am going to show you how to hide utility boxes with awesome DIY utility box covers. Time to get excited! Our home had these unsightly utility boxes and wires at our back door entry, which is the entry that we use the most often. Unfortunately, there was no good solution to hide them that we could find in a store or online, so we came. Let’s Hide the Gas Meter! Let’s Hide the Utility Boxes! Let’s Landscape the Front Yard! Zone 4; Let’s Landscape the Front Yard! Zone 3; Let’s Landscape the Front Yard! Zone 2; Let’s Landscape the Front Yard! Zone 1; Let’s Rip Up Some Sod! Let’s Create a Rock Garden! Let’s Fix the Fence! Living Spaces. Let’s Create a Tree Patio!
How to Hide a Telephone Box in the Front Yard. Telephone wiring boxes serve an essential purpose, but those positioned in the front yard can detract from your home's curb appeal. The boxes are. Mar 19, 2014 - Hiding utility boxes that are in your yard is not uncommon and it just takes some creative planning and landscaping to beautify that area. Landscape Ideas to Hide Utility Boxes - 50lovely Landscape Ideas to Hide Utility Boxes, Bin Storage From Decking Google Search Outdoor Storage Article by Makenzie West-Chansamoeun Outdoor Landscaping Front Yard Landscaping Outdoor Gardens Landscaping Design Diy Landscaping Ideas Hillside Landscaping Front Yard Patio Landscaping Around House.
Utility boxes for things like electricity, cable, and phone lines are the perfect example of this. Unless There are some ways to hide utility boxes, though. Keep reading to learn more about camouflaging utility boxes in the yard. Landscaping Around Utility Boxes 2. Ugly electrical boxes and meters. Utility boxes can be unfortunate focal points of your yard. Before you camouflage the box in any way, check with your local utility company to see what coverage is permitted (most require clearance around the perimeter for safe access). Here are a few ideas to integrate the box into your landscaping: In this video, This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook shows a green way to block the view of unsightly utility boxes. Steps: 1. Ask the utility company to mark the location of any underground lines. 2. Build a berm in front of the utility boxes from a mixture that's 60 percent topsoil and 40 percent compost.
Utility boxes, lawn equipment and trash bins are necessities, but they don't deserve to share the spotlight with your gorgeous garden.. When a well head, vent pipe or meter simply must sit in the middle of your yard or garden bed, a faux rock that fits on top offers a natural disguise.. Another clever place to hide equipment is below your. Outdoor eyesores: every garden and back yard has them. Utility boxes, air conditioning units, lawnmowers, garbage bins and more; these are essential items, but we’d prefer not to look at them while spending time on our hard-earned green grass amongst lovely flowerbeds. How to Hide the Electrical Box in the Front Yard. Electricity is very important in our lives. However, it comes with baggage that may be a lot to handle, such as a large transformer box openly kept in our front yards for the world to see. Although kept there for the right reasons, many people consider them unappealing.
How to Hide Utility Boxes in the Front Yard. Do you have a cable box, an electrical box, or a sewer access cap sticking up through the grass in your front yard? Many people hide them by planting shrubs and other plants around them, but you could easily make a slipcover with beadboard and top it with a birdhouse. Hiding utility boxes that are in your yard is not uncommon and it just takes some creative planning and landscaping to beautify that area. They are often placed in a yard either by the utility company of the city you live in or they may be your own but there are ways to hide them and make the area around them look very attractive. Lounging amongst the greenery of a front yard is one of the perks of being a homeowner. However, unsightly cable and utility boxes can detract attention from landscaping and mar the appearance of a well-kept yard. These boxes are typically located on the side of the home or at the front of the yard near the sidewalk.
There are ways to deal with that eyesore in your yard to hide it from view. Contact Utility Companies. Before digging near the boxes in your yard, contact local utility companies to have them mark the location of the underground lines. In many locations, calling 811 will connect you with the local authorities.. electric.box.front.yard.jpg. Many suburban front yards have utility boxes like these that people want to hide. (George Weigel) Q: I have a utility box in my front yard that I'd like to hide with. Jun 1, 2020 - Explore Rosa Boucher's board "Hiding utility boxes in yard", followed by 124 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Utility box, Front yard, Backyard.
Electric transformer boxes, while unattractive, typically replace overhead wires, which are equally unattractive. This is probably of little solace to the homeowner with a box on his front lawn. Many creative methods exist to hide the electric box but some may be against power company regulations. Another example of a similar project to hide an air conditioner unit by ‘Roots and Shoots‘. Our next photo from ‘Living with Aloha‘, is an electrical box cover. In addition, it could also be used to hide an ac unit as well. One of the main reasons to hide outdoor eyesores is obviously to improve curb appeal. Tough to hide 'em, so why not enjoy them cleverly! Grab an image of an outlet off the internet, enlarge to fit onto four (4) pieces of paper, print each page onto 8.5 x 11 clear sticky-back decal sheets (available at office supply stores for less than $20) and slap onto the middle of each offending face of the utility box.
Plants to Plant in Front of a Utility Box. Utility boxes are an unfortunate consequence of modern electrical convenience. Utility boxes vary in size, but even a smaller utility box looks.
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and now I have covered my ugly utility box in my front
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Used this to hide a huge electrical box in my front yard
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Wagon to hide large electric box in our yard! Yard Stuff
I nestled them on top of the big green electrical box
Hiding utility Box with landscaping. ANN WILLIAMSON